Church Covenant

1. Basic Beliefs.  Our beliefs at The Church at Perry Creek are all derived from the life-giving treasure that is the Bible. We are excited about Scripture because we believe that it is true, that it fits together, and that it is good for us. As members of The Church at Perry Creek, we agree that the Bible is authoritative, and that our Statement of Faith is an accurate expression of what Scripture teaches.

2. Our Elders Promise…

  • To ordain elders and deacons according to the criteria assigned to them in the Scriptures (1 Tim. 3:1-13; Titus 1:5-9; 1 Peter 5:1-4).

  • To prayerfully seek God’s will for our church community and steward its resources to the best of our ability based on the study of Scriptures, and the leading of the Holy Spirit (Acts 20:28; 1 Peter 5:1-4).

  • To care for the church, and seek her growth in grace, love, and truth (Matt. 28:16-20; Colossians 1:28; James 5:14).

  • To provide teaching and counsel from the whole of Scripture (Acts 20:27-28; 1 Tim. 4:16; 2 Tim. 4:1-5), and to guard against false teaching (Matt. 7:15; Acts 20:28-31).

  • To equip the members of the church for the work of the ministry (Eph. 4:11-16).

  • To lovingly exercise discipline when necessary, for the glory of God, for the health of the church, and for the ultimate good of the one being disciplined (1 Cor. 5:1-5; Matt. 18:15-20; Galatians 6:1; James 5:19-20).

  • To set an example for, and join our members in, fulfilling the obligations of Church membership (Phil. 3:17; 1 Tim. 4:12; Titus 2:7-8; 1 Pet. 5:3).

3. Our Members Promise…

  • To pursue a growing relationship with Jesus Christ through personal devotion, prayer, and spiritual disciplines (Eph. 6:18; Psalm 119:11; Acts 2:42).

  • To follow Jesus’ command by participating in the ordinances of Scripture: baptism and the Lord’s Supper (Matt. 28:19-20; Acts 2:41; 1 Cor. 11:23-26).

  • To regularly participate in the life of The Church at Perry Creek by attending worship services, engaging in gospel-centered community, and serving those within and outside of the church (Acts 2:42-47; Heb. 10:23-25; Titus 3:14).

  • To steward the resources God has given us, including time, talents, spiritual gifts, and finances. This includes joyful and sacrificial service and giving (Acts 4:32; 2 Cor. 8-9; Romans 12:1-2).

  • By God’s grace through the power of the Holy Spirit, to walk in holiness in all areas of life, avoiding those things that Scripture forbids such as a lack of chastity and faithfulness to our spouse, substance abuse, financial misappropriation, and dishonesty. (1 Cor. 5:1-5, 6:9-11, Eph. 5:18).

  • To strive for the unity, peace, and the welfare of the church; living humbly and avoiding gossip, self-promotion, and unhealthy conflict (Phil. 2:1-11; James 3:8-10, 13-18).

  • To submit to the discipline of God through his Holy Spirit by following biblical procedures for church discipline in the hopes of repentance and restoration, and by submitting to the authority of the elders (Matt. 18:15-20; 1 Cor. 5; Heb. 12:5-11, 13:17)

  • To notify the leadership of the church, and seek membership in another church where we can live out our faith in Christ, should we leave the church for upright reasons (1 Cor. 12:12-13; Phil. 4:2-3).