Lives Changed
Through The Gospel


Who We Are

The Church at Perry Creek is a multi-ethnic, inter-generational family of believers, serving in Northeast Raleigh. Our mission is to
Drink Deeply of Christ, to Grow Richly as disciples, and to Share Freely of the gospel, together in community.

Our Values

“Blessed is the man who delights in the Law of the Lord…he will be like a tree planted by rivers of water…he bears fruit in his season, and his leaf doesn’t wither.” – Psalm 1

As disciples, we want to grow like a tree, planted by rivers of water. And as a church we want our values to saturate our lives and overflow to our community.

We want to do three things, just like a tree:



“He’s planted by rivers of water,” A tree drinks deeply of the moisture and nutrients in the soil. We want to drink deeply of Christ in:

Bible We believe scripture is alive and speaks to every area of our lives. Therefore, every encounter with the bible should change us. (Heb. 4:12) We need the daily nourishment that comes from God’s word.

Prayer We take time for meaningful prayer during each worship service and we gather for corporate prayer on a regular basis. Drinking deeply of prayer aligns us with God’s will (Matt. 6:10) and empowers us for His work (Eph. 6:19).



“His leaf does not wither.” As we are built up through the bible and prayer we develop strength. And we want to grow richly through:

Family We strive for true inter-generational ministry where the church is a family of families. Growing richly as a family means helping each marriage and family become all that God made them to be (Eph. 5:21-6:4).

Community As part of the “Body of Christ,” we are called to live in community with each other and our neighbors. We long to be a church that reflects the face of our community and is known for our care and compassionate help. (Acts 2:44-46)



“He bears fruit in his season.” As God’s word grows us, what we are learning inevitably spills over into action. We want to take the love and resources we have received from God and share freely through community and mission.

Missions As believers in Jesus we are called to share our faith and participate in the Great Commission (Matt. 28:18-20). We want to share freely by using the resources we have to make disciples around the triangle and around the world.


& Time

River Bend Elementary
6710 Perry Creek Road
Raleigh, NC 27616


Want to Connect?

Drop us a note if you would like to know more information about our church, our services, or if you would like to connect with one of our pastors.